WALKING THE WALK: 5 Walk Actions That Every Animator Should Know! (ANIMATION LEGACY SERIES Book 3)
There are 5 essential walk actions that every self-respecting animator should know - whether they be a 2D animator, or any
other kind! These are the ‘Generic Walk’, the ‘Double Bounce’, the ‘Sneak’, the ‘Sad Walk’, and the ‘Limping Walk’. Here, master animator, Tony White, offers simple and easy to understand guidelines on how each can be done - and throws an extra, bonus section on doing a ‘Front Walk’ too. So, loose all those previous struggles you’ve had on trying to get your characters to walk convincingly and adopt this easy-to-follow guide that will make you one animator who definitely can ‘Walk the Walk’! (EXTRA BONUS ITEM! At the back of this book you’ll find a ‘flipbook’ version of an actual walk cycle. So you can flip the pages and see it move!)