The HERMIT: Meditations for the Soul ~ from a Master to a Seeker. (LEGACY)


A Seeker approaches a remote cave, within which they find an old and wise Hermit. They talk and soon the Seeker’s heart jumps for joy at the teachings of the Hermit. They resonate in their heart and Soul. Then, after some time, the Hermit disappears. The Seeker is heartbroken at the loss of his wise teacher, but when a new young Seeker enters the cave, he realizes that now he needs to be the teacher instead. So, he shares the words of the Hermit with the new Seeker, that he may learn too.

This book is but one single candle in the face of the Sun. Yet, if the illumination gained by such a single candle can lead the reader to the Sun’s greater glory, then it is worthy. Join us in the endless journey of wonder and learning, based on the teachings and meditations of The Hermit.