ESOTERICA: A memoir collection of Imaginary, Metaphysical and Astrological Art. (Color edition.) (LEGACY)


This book features much of the previously unpublished art that award-winning animator, author and mentor, Tony White, has privately produced throughout his life and career. Through ESOTERICA, Tony offers a more imaginary, metaphysical, and astrological side to his creativity and thinking - one that many have previously not been aware of. ESOTERICA additionally includes many highly-personal, memoir-ed accounts of Tony’s earlier life, especially his meetings with his own “personal Merlin” - who was an amazing Irish herbalist/astrologer in the East End of London, who transformed the darkness of Tony’s childhood into light. Lastly, ESOTERICA is not published to convince, convert, or lead others to Tony’s own belief systems. Instead, it simply alludes to a world that many people dismiss out of hand, and yet, for Tony, offers a deeply researched, life-long experienced world which is filled with much magic, mystery, and no little wonder.

Note: This version is a color printed edition of Tony’s extensive collection of imaginary, metaphysical and astrological art. For those on a restricted budget, a B&W print version is also available on Amazon and through other fine bookstores.